10 Weeks 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme

The #1 reason why most women live a half-life in constant struggle:

Undealt with Mother Wounds!

How do you know if you are carrying undealt with mother wounds?

  • Do you feel you need to constantly perform to be accepted by others?
  • Did you grow up with a mother that constantly criticised you?
  • Or maybe you felt abandoned and neglected by her?
  • Or did your mother pushed you constantly to be a high achiever, regardless of what you felt?
  • Do you feel like you are not good enough?
  • Do you struggle with setting successful boundaries?
  • If you answered YES to any of the above, chances are you are carrying undealt with Mother Wounds. It's time to break the cycle of pain and reclaim your life!


  • Lack of confidence
  • Constant self-criticism + strong self-judgement
  • Fear of making your own decisions
  • Constant need for approval + validation
  • Insecurity with your body & appearances
  • Inability to deal with intense emotions, with feeling of being swallowed by them
  • High risk of falling into difficult, co-dependant or abusive relationships
  • Need to people-please
  • Anxiety & panic
  • Hopelessness, depression & lack of motivation


in 3 easy steps!!

Step 1

Book your FREE Intro Call

Book Here

Step 2

Get your personalized map for your Inner Transformation

Step 3

Transform your life from surviving to Thriving & claim the life you deserve!

The Purpose of this Programme is to support you on your journey of Healing mother wounds & Empowering yourself...

So that you can experience life feeling Safe, Loved & Supported!

In this unique 10 Weeks 1:1 Programme you get:

  • A clear map of your next steps fully tailored to your personal needs
  • A set of potent & proven to work tools to support you on your journey
  • Effective practices to support you self-regulate & better navigate intense emotions
  • Expert guidance in understanding your protective strategies & trauma responses + how to break the patterns
  • Expert guidance in understanding & unpacking the mother wounds you carry
  • To gain clarity in your relationship with your mother, independent of the level of contact you choose to have with her, all the way to no contact if that is your choice
  • To gain a deeper understanding of the trauma you experience as a result of maternal narcissism
  • To connect with your own identity, independent from your mother & the conditioning you have received

What women say after completing the 10 Weeks Programme!

"Ten weeks of loving kindness: This year while searching for answers on the web, I was fortunate to find Matilde’s podcast and it was so wonderful to listen to her calm voice telling us those words we so needed to hear all our life: “you are not alone”, “I completely understand”, “you are not crazy”, “you are important”. I felt so validated and so understood. I think investing in the ten weeks program has been one of the few, and best, things I have ever done for myself. I think there is a “before” and “after in my life. Before the program, and before having the resources also shared in the Podcast and in the Women’s Circle (yes, I went full on), I have been so disconnected from my own feelings and needs. The endless people pleasing, the inability to have boundaries, the living life without really feeling it was mine, that was part of the before that I am now aware of. After the ten-weeks program, I feel I understand all the parts that make me, and I am trying to be aware of everything that hurts, that hurt in the past, I am working on being kind and patient with myself. I cannot say my life has completely changed, not yet, but that is the beauty: Matilde shows us paths, shows us the road (which is not easy, it is not a walk in the park, not at all!), but she guides us, lets us do the work, the discovering and invites us to dig as deep as we dare to go. I am so grateful for Matilde’s existence and for her journey that led her to be our mentor, or guide. I must say I have never ever been treated in such a gentle way, never been talked to with such patient and kind words. Matilde has represented a human form of loving kindness. I am forever grateful for the journey that started with this ten-week program and am sure my inner life will be better and better every day, making me live a fuller life.”


“Before I began the 10 weeks program, my lived experience felt very much like a dark tunnel without any light. I couldn’t see my way out and instead only saw my life becoming less enjoyable in the future. I honestly did not feel as if my life belonged to me. I was going through the motions and feeling lost, frustrated, resentful and full of tremendous anxiety. I could not find joy in much and even when I did find a reason to be joyful, I couldn’t feel it. I actually don’t think I felt much other than numbness most of the time.

After spending the 10 weeks with Matilde in her program, I have tremendous hope and optimism for a new life. I no longer expect for my mother to accept or validate me. I no longer feel as if I even need that from her. My eyes have opened to the truth in so many situations that have changed my perspective. I am not feeling trapped any longer. I recognize my mother’s behaviours and manipulations in a way that I was unable to see in the past. Because of that, she is less threatening to me. I’m not nearly as “afraid” of upsetting her or resisting her demands or requirements.

The most amazing part is that I am beginning to get to know myself in a way that I have never been able to do. It is as if I have been reconnected with the other half of my soul and it is a beautiful, exciting and incredibly amazing experience. It has absolutely been life changing for me and the tools I will carry with me will forever be invaluable. Thank you so much to Matilde for offering her time, knowledge, understanding and guidance. This experience has truly been a gift to me.”


"Before the programme I felt helpless in a lot of ways and triggered often. I took most things personally and struggled with overthinking even the smallest of things. I blamed myself for anything that went wrong and felt an overwhelming and constant sense of criticism within myself. I felt hurt and neglected by my mother and angry that she has not been there for me.

Over the past 10 weeks, I have developed more space around the feelings associated with my triggers. I have learned to be with my feelings more and use the new tools I have learned to feel my way through the feeling, rather than completely avoiding it. Although I still hear the self-critical voice of my mother within, I am able to more often recognize that it is her voice and not necessarily the truth.

Over the past 10 weeks, I have been able to set more boundaries with my mother and stick to them. I feel like she is in less control of my happiness, and I have been able to let go of a lot of the yearning for her to be different. I can more often accept who she is and know that her behaviour is not my fault.

Matilde has validated feelings I’ve experienced alone my whole my life and has shown me a path to healing I never thought existed. I’ve searched far and wide for someone to understand my experience with my mother and I feel like I won the lottery finding Matilde. I can’t recommend her enough, this program is the best investment I’ve made in myself!”

Laura – Vintage shop owner

"Prior to the program, I felt very much like I was in a constant state of “physical” extreme stress for about two years. I had a lot of anxiety and physically did not feel well often. This included aches, fatigue, headaches.

During the course of the programme, I have let go of the idea that I need to be “fixed” and will be fixed. I was doing a lot of work to fix myself. Now I am doing work to support myself as I am.

The physical practices to regulate my system have been amazing

Most recently, having the tools to feel brave enough to confront my mother on something that was very emotional and experiencing that process, has changed my relationship with her greatly. It took a lot of power that she held over me away.

I see that I was living and stagnant in a very negative and stressful space after “awakening” to what my childhood had been two years ago. I sat in that feeling for a long time and it took a physical toll on me. Confronting my mother and seeing that she does not have the same power (at all!) on me was freeing. And it allowed me to move into a space where I see the true version of her."


"The 10 Weeks Programme was an incredible journey filled with sadness and somehow joy. Before the Programme, I was filled with a constant anxiety, sadness, and anger. I very much felt like I could never have a break, particularly with my mom. I felt like her needs always came first even when I decided I couldn’t handle it. I would often still be feeling and planning what she was thinking and feeling to try to shield myself. I was starting these big lifetime moments, and they were all being coded with pain centred around my mom. What I didn’t realize at the time was this constant state of overthinking to combat my mom was making it so my life stayed about her. After the Programme my outlook changed. The way I relate to my mom has dramatically changed because I have changed how I see her. Instead of working with a reasonable adult, I now understand that most of the time she is coming from a place of being a child. A wounded child. I can have empathy but not excuse her actions. Her actions do affect me and my family, and I am allowed to have feelings on this and adjust my life if needed. Although I understand her trauma, it does not mean I must put up with her actions. This Programme gave me the tools to start living my life for me . Something I have never experienced before. The joy you start to feel when you realize you can decide your life for yourself is priceless.”


What's included in the Programme:

  • 10 one hour 1:1 sessions on Zoom with Matilde
  • Email access to Matilde for the duration of the Programme
  • Your unique highly personalized map, meaning the programme is tailored to your unique needs
  • Private chat with Matilde on Telegram 
  • Exclusive tools and practices guided within the sessions 
  • Journaling prompts, tools and practices to support you between sessions
  • Your map as to how to integrate the insights you receive within the sessions in your everyday life

Book Your Free Application call to access the Programme today!

For only €195 per session instead of €220!! 

The total investment for the Programme is €1950.

Payment plan available on Application Call.


Who is the 1:1 Inner Transformation Healing Mother Wounds Programme for?

This Programme is for you if you are done feeling broken and not enough as a result of the mother wounds you carry and you are ready to reclaim your life, connecting with who you truly are! 

I'm not sure if my mother is a narcissist, is the Programme still of benefit for me?

Yes, for sure. This Programme is designed to support you understanding and healing mother wounds you might carry and that may still be affecting your life. This mother wounds can be the result of outright maternal narcissism, but also of trauma that happened in childhood as a result of your mother lack of awareness due to her own trauma. Mother wounds are often passed from mother to daughter even with the best of intentions. It is rare for a woman not to carry a degree of mother wounds within the society we live in.  

What is the duration of the Programme?

This is a 10 weeks Programme, but depending on the schedule arranged it will span over more than 10 weeks.  

What is the time commitment for this Programme?

The Programme includes 10 Live calls 1:1 with Matilde on Zoom, duration of each call is 60 minutes. Beyond the call you are invited to take at least 15 minutes each day to implement and to practice. This is essential for you to gain full benefit! 

What is the investment?

The investment for the Programme is €1950 payable in full or with payment plan to be arranged during your Intro Call.

How do I sign up for the Programme?

To apply for the Programme book your Free Intro Call with Matilde here

Book Here

What's included in the Programme?

The Programme includes:

- 10 one hour 1:1 Zoom sessions with Matilde

- Email access to Matilde throughout the Programme

- Private chat with Matilde on Telegram Platform

- Exclusive tools and resources         

When can I start?

There are only 4 spaces available for the Programme at the one time. You can start as soon as a space becomes available. 

The first step is for you to book the Free Intro Call with Matilde, this either allows you to start straight away, or to get on the waiting list. 

Book Here


Can I sign up to the Programme if I'm in therapy?

You can! This 10 Weeks Programme isn't designed to replace therapy. They can work together to aid you in your healing journey. 

Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed therapist, psychotherapist or psychologist. I'm an inner transformation mentor and all information provided is from my own training and background. 

Do I need to communicate that I'm signing up for this Programme to my mother ?

Communicating about the Programme to your mother is your personal choice, however it is not necessary for the success of your journey. Please remember that this is a space for you and your healing journey. 

Is signing up to this Programme still of benefit if my mother passed away?

Yes, it is. This Programme is designed to support you in understanding and healing the mother wounds you carry within you, which can still remain after your mother passed away. If you feel that your life is partially or fully dictated by the mother wounds you carry, then this Programme is for you.  

If I have more questions, who can I ask?

If you have any more questions about the Programme email Matilde at matilde@womenreclaimingtheirfullness.me 

About Your Guide

Matilde Crocini is an Inner Transformation Mentor dedicated to helping daughters of narcissistic mothers in breaking the cycle of pain they are experiencing and live a life of thriving.

She is also a Priestess in Her Studies of Divine Feminine – in the Power of the Elements – In Meditation and Journey Work; Reiki Master; Yoga Teacher; Host of Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Podcast; Wife and Mother.

As a daughter of a narcissistic mother, she has been through her own journey of healing mother wounds - a journey that is still ongoing and brings her deeper each step of it.
Founder of Women Reclaiming Their Fullness, her mission is to support hundreds of women in healing their mother wounds and fiercely moving from a life of surviving to a life of thriving.

Copyright © Women Reclaiming Their Fullness 2025
